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Quail Eggs

How To Use:

Add them to boost your dog or cat’s raw meal or as a special treat! You can even throw in the shell for an excellent source of calcium and crunch!

Serving Instruction
Freezing eggs will cause the outer shell to crack, but often the membrane will not break. Thaw eggs in
refrigerator in a glass dish, to avoid leaking. Once thawed, add raw egg(s) to your pet’s meal as a daily
addition or special treat.

Safe Handling Tips
Frozen quail eggs for pet consumption. Can be kept frozen for up to 12 months. Once thawed eggs, can be
stored in your refrigerator for up to 15 days.


Daily Serving Suggestion
20 - 50 lbs 1 egg
20 - 40 lbs 2 eggs
40- 60 lbs 3 eggs
80+ lbs 4+ eggs